
2022 - The year of Solomiya Krushelnytska's 150th anniversary

About the "Solomiya" project

SIn 2016, the international art project SOLOMIA was launched in honour of the outstanding opera singer Solomiya Krushelnytska.

The aim of the project is to honour the memory of our great compatriot, to draw public attention to the figure of S. Krushelnytska, and to demonstrate the achievements of Ukrainian and world culture.
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SKSolomiya Krushelnytska (1872–1952) was an outstanding opera singer in the end of 19th century and the first quarter of the 20 th.

 S. Krushelnytska was born in Ternopil region ( at the time, Austro-Hungarian Empire), studied and made her first steps on the professional stage in Lviv. She became a world-famous opera prima donna in Italy. However, the last years of her life she worked in Lviv sharing her rich art experience to students of the conservatory.

 Well-known Italian musicologist R. Cortopassi has defined the singer’s place in the history of opera art as follows: «During the first decades of 20th century four singers reigned on the world’s opera stage – Battistini, Caruso, Titta Ruffo, and Chaliapin. Only one woman managed to reach their level, and her name was Solomiya Krushelnytska».

 She was applauded by the opera and concert halls of Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Egypt, Argentina, USA, and other countries.

Among numerous awards and honours of S. Krushelnytska was the title “Wagner's Prima Donna of the 20th Century”.
Solomiya Krushelnytska (1872–1952) was an outstanding opera singer in the end of 19th century and the first quarter of the 20 th.

 S. Krushelnytska was born in Ternopil region ( at the time, Austro-Hungarian Empire), studied and made her first steps on the professional stage in Lviv. She became a world-famous opera prima donna in Italy. However, the last years of her life she worked in Lviv sharing her rich art experience to students of the conservatory.

 Well-known Italian musicologist R. Cortopassi has defined the singer’s place in the history of opera art as follows: «During the first decades of 20th century four singers reigned on the world’s opera stage – Battistini, Caruso, Titta Ruffo, and Chaliapin. Only one woman managed to reach their level, and her name was Solomiya Krushelnytska».

 She was applauded by the opera and concert halls of Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Egypt, Argentina, USA, and other countries.

Among numerous awards and honours of S. Krushelnytska was the title “Wagner's Prima Donna of the 20th Century”.
MBOpera “Madama Butterfly” by G.Puccini played a career-defining role in S. Krushelnytska’s scene life.

In May 1904, S. Krushelnytska performed brilliantly in the repeated premier of Opera “Madama Butterfly” at the Teatro Grande in Brescia. Three months earlier, Giacomo Puccini had already presented his new work to public, but the performance had no success.

Hereinafter, Solomiya played the Chio-Chio San part more than a hundred times throughout the world’s opera scene.

Giacomo Puccini gave the singer his portrait with inscription: “To the most beautiful and charming Butterfly”.
APДо участі у міжнародному мистецькому Проєкті « СОЛОМІЯ » залучені художники,    співаки, музиканти, музейні працівники та інші діячі культури та мистецтва.

У Проєкті представлено твори відомих Ukrainian painters and artists., об’єднаних однією метою – відтворити засобами живопису образ великої співачки,видатних постатей, з якими вона працювала та спілкувалась, відобразити прекрасні куточки України та Італії, пов’язані з Соломією Крушельницькою.

Проєкт підтримали родичі С.Крушельницької - видатний український композитор Мирослав Скорик ( 1938 - 2020) та відомий канадський юрист Andy Semotiuk , а також Музично- меморіальний музей Соломії Крушельницької у Львові .

“Solomiya” Project brought together different members of culture and art, such as painters, musicians, singers, museums’ employees etc.

The Project represents art-works of many Ukrainian painters and artists. They are united by one goal – to recreate the image of Prima Donna and the most outstanding theatrical figures, with whom she has met, by means of art; and to reflect the beautiful places of Ukraine and Italy associated with Solomiya Krushelnytska.

The Project was heavily supported by Solomiya’s relatives – a famous Ukrainian composer Miroslav Skoryk (1938-2020) and a well-known Canadian lawyer Andy Semotiuk, - as well as by Music-Memorial museum of S. Krushelnytska in Lviv.

YNМи раді, що ви завітали на сайт Проєкту «СОЛОМІЯ».
Завдяки великій групі чудових митців Проєкт «СОЛОМІЯ» відбувся та крокує світом.
Щиро дякуємо всім, хто відгукнувся на нашу пропозицію взяти участь у Проєкті «СОЛОМІЯ» або його підтримати.

The founding couple, Yuriy Yurov and Ninel Babiyenko.
Kyiv, Ukraine
2025 © Solomiya Art Project
General partner:
Opera World